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University of Montana, Missoula


创办时间 : 1893
官方网站 : http://www.umt.edu
地址 : 32 Campus Drive
学校简介 :
The University of Montana (UM) will lead as a globally focused public research university that serves the state, nation and world. Intrinsic to our mission are the underlying values of diversity, sustainability, leadership and engagement. The University of Montana (UM) is one of two doctoral research universities in Montana and serves as the flagship of four affiliated campuses. With the breadth of a liberal arts university with outstanding professional programs in health professions, journalism, business and law UM will drive economic, cultural and social development of Montana and the Northern Rockies.
学校性质 Public
研究成果 Very High
学生教师比例 14
国际学生总数 190
学校面积 M
教师总数 648

学生总数 (13,140)

国际学生 -
本地学生 13,140

本科生总数 (9,883)

国际学生 -
本地学生 9,883

研究/博士生总数 (3,257)

国际学生 -
本地学生 3,257


本科生 81%
研究生 19%


本科生 41%
研究生 59%

教师总数 (648)

本地教师 646
国际教师 2